Monday, November 21, 2011

Sick day and a busy week

It's inevitable that I get sick on one of the busiest weeks of my year. This is family week, family that I haven't seen in at least 5 years are in town this week, so with all the cleaning and such that I need to do I of course will get sick on top of it.

So sickness and stress aside, tomorrow Lou and Trouble will be rolled out onto the porch again. With people coming here for the day I cant have them inside. Lou is an accident waiting to happen. He will bite if someone is within reach, and Trouble screams with any amount of excitement so for the day they will go outside and we'll bring them in once everyone leaves.

I feel bad about it, but it is safest for both humans and birds this way.


  1. I'm sorry you're sick this week, that's too bad. I know how stressful a holiday can be when you've got family coming. So, remember to take care of yourself as well as your birdie babies.

    I wish you and John and your whole menagerie a Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Thank you. We're doing our best to make everything worth while here. And as usual I am probably stressing for nothing.
