Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Bird Inspector

As I was prepping for this weeks DIY post, I had some unexpected "help" from Trouble.

Block inspector #12 arrives to approve the latest DIY project.

Trouble loves to get into things, hence her name. She loves to chip blocks into kindling and rip apart just about anything so we really have to watch her when she is loose.

"I'll just keep this one here, you may use the rest."

When I got her I was told that owning a Too would be like having a two year old child for the rest of my life. They were wrong, Two year olds are not as smart as she is. I have yet to have a two year old figure out how to unlock their cage door and liberate their friends.

I took some video of the DIY cuteness and will post it on Friday for all to see.


  1. She is adorable . I miss mine someone stole all of my birds when they broke into my house when I was 19 . I often wonder if they got good homes and what became of them . But I wont be getting another too because they are just too loud for me . I do miss mine though .

  2. I am so sorry. :( I would go nuts if someone took my flock.

    Yea, Too's are very loud. I have trained Trouble to be quiet, and for the most part she is very accommodating in that way. But, even with the training, she has her moments. She can give me a migraine very quickly.
