Friday, October 21, 2011

Abierto - Cerrado

Fab Friday video time!

This week I thought I would give Kenya the spotlight, so here she is swinging on her cage door.

Have a great weekend everyone. See you on Monday.


  1. I love how she keeps looking at the camera: "Are you watching? Didja see me? I do it again, watch, watch!!!" :P

    (although yes, I know she's probably eyeing the Strange New Thing suspiciously, and that's why she's keeping such a keen eye on you :P)

    I'm surprised at how -quiet- she is here...I know I've heard her setting up a constant babble before. One of my high school friends also had an African Grey named Charlie, and he was constantly making noise of some sort, as well. Unless this is another instance of "'ware the strange new thing!"?

  2. It's more a "Why are you here? I don't like you. Go away now." thing. Thats what that snapping noise that she keeps making means.

    Kenya doesn't make a lot of noise until you -need- her to be quiet. Like say, if you're on the phone, trying to have a conversation, or watching a movie. Then she's all Chatty Kathy. I have told you before that until you called, she was quiet.

    Also keep in mind that me being her least favorite person in the world, (the dogs are higher in rank then I am to her) She has no use to talk to me. When John is home she rarely shuts up.
