Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Wild Backyard

Last week when I stepped out into the back yard there was a lizard party going on. There were Lizards everywhere so I stepped back inside to grab the camera and get a picture or 2. On my return most had scampered off, but this Anole hung around to say "Hello."


I was surprised to find his twin on the other side of the cage.

"Hello, have you seen my twin?"

There were also a pair of brown Anoles on the fence courting..well..beyond courting. I didn't take a picture because well...this isn't "Anoles Gone Wild" or anything.

It's been warming up down here, so the Anoles and birds have been all a flutter with their speed dating. When we stopped for gas this weekend this poor male Grackle had gotten chased off by another male with his woman. He squawked a bit and hopped off. Upon hitting the sunny black top she started doing a funny little goose step before flying away for cooler perches.


Ah spring. ;)

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