Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Lake Mirror Part 2

Welcome back to part 2 of the Lake Mirror picture post. Now where was I?

Oh yea, I remember now.

Hubby and I were waling around the lake when we were honored with this ducky display.

A swimming V, classic. :D

Then when we stopped at a bench and John broke out the bread we found out that Ducks will kick Coot tush if they get too close to their perceived bready bits.


Lets move on to some massive cuteness. I'm telling you it's a cute over load! You've been warned.

What is this I see? A Muscovy Duck with something going on there.

A dirty yellow cotton cloud.. Must. Get. Closer.

It's.. it's.. BABY DUCKS! *Squeee!*

There are 20 baby ducks following Momma around. 20!! Thats a lot of baby ducks!

Here John is feeding the ducks, as you can see there are 2 Muscovy Ducks there. (The ones with the white heads and black bodies) The one closest to john is -not- the Momma.

I note this because we kept getting confused, and so did the chicks. When the not-the-momma duck waddled off, 4 baby ducks went with her, and she was none to happy to find them tailing her. She attacked them and this led to baby duck squeaks and and loud Momma quacks to help them scurry back to her side. (All were fine, just a bit upset until the were safe with momma again.)

Here John sits down and gets all Zen with the ducks. He had them eating out of his hand by the time he was done.

I'm not sure why but it seems that every time I turn on the video recorder John finds something interesting to talk about. Here he turns into Dr. John, Duck Obstetrician. XD


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