Sunday, June 10, 2012

Bird Blogs and Mash

I follow a few other bird blogs, A bird for Keeps has some interesting posts. This post here followed by this post  here are all bout making mash for your birds. It is also a great resource for other articles about bird health and behavior. I would suggest anyone interested in such things to take a look and follow the blog for great insight on parrots and their care.

Mash like bird bread is a home made fresh option to feed your birds. It's chock full of healthy grains and legumes along with veggies that our birds should have in their diet. I have been researching mash recipes and will be (hopefully) trying my hand at it next weekend. We will see how it goes, and of course I will be reporting it all here, the good, the bad, and the messy. ;)

Until then, have a great weekend everyone.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you'll do just fine :) I make my mash out of cooked grains and fresh, chopped vegetables. I make enough for a duration of several months
