Thursday, October 4, 2012

Bird Songs

Bird songs are a little different when you live with a parrot, or in my case, a bunch of parrots. Its not those pretty wild bird songs, though I guess if I could get a tape of them I could probobly hear them echoing off the walls at all hours. ;)

Not long ago, to combat Echo's screaming anytime I left the room, I started singing as I made lunch, washed the dishes...went to the bathroom. It's been working wonderfully. He gets so happy when I sing that he has figured out the first note and likes to try and prompt me into song when he is in the mood to hear it.

It's silly but I sing "My Bonnie lies over the ocean", it's one of the few kid songs that I know all the words to and can sing it with out music and Echo has been singing it back to me lately. Well, kinda. He has a few lines down like the first one, all the "bring back's" and "to me to me's" He will sing those for hours and pay very close attention to me when I sing to him. You can see the gears turning in his head as he tries to figure it all out. This is amusing me much more then it should I think.

I am thinking about "Soft Kitty" next once we are done with this song. it's simple and he should pick it up rather quickly. Anyone have any other suggestions?

Monday, October 1, 2012

Lying Lou

You guys remember Lou right?


Our beautiful Green-wing Macaw that wants to eat me in his spare time? I was not the only woman Lou had no use for. In fact, He tolerated me being around, which is far better then he was with most women he met.

Until.... My sister showed up.

Let me explain... No, there is too much. Let me sum up.

We took Lou to my sister's house, for lots of reasons, none of which matter anymore. He was intrigued by her. Watching her every move, very calm when she was close by, agitated when she would walk away. It was interesting to watch, these were things he had never done before, for anyone.

My sister was taken with him, and with the thoughts of maybe getting Lou to tame down some and be more social we decided to let him stay with her for a little while, to see how it worked out.

Well... I don't think we are getting our bird back.

In 24 hours after leaving him there, this is what we were treated to on Facebook...

Can you feel the hate and loathing? 
*Not Lou's, but mine.*

 Oh wait! Is he gonna eat her!! 
*this looks promising* 

 No, it's the got yer beak game!


*now your just rubbing it in.*

All kidding aside, Lou is happy, and that makes me happy, even if I have yet another thing to envy my sister about. ;-)