Saturday, December 8, 2012

Busy, busy, busy

It's been a very busy couple of months here. The birds are doing well, as are the dogs and the humans that share the house with them.

The holidays are chugging along much too quickly for my taste but that how it always seems to go once October rolls around. I have been crafting a lot this past month getting presents ready for the holidays which doesn't leave a whole lot of time for blogging unfortunately. :(

I have been spending quite a bit of time talking to my sister as she was getting ready for her art show this past week. It was in Tampa and as much as I hate crowds and such I was determined to be there and show my support for her and her work. So of course I took lots and lots of pictures to show everyone how incredibly awesome my sister is. XD

Metasoma by Rachel Johnson

My sister is a sculptor among other things. She has found a love for welding and making metal creatures like the amazing scorpion depicted above and below.

The title, Metasoma, is the scientific name for scorpion tail. I find it appropriate don't you?

Odonata by Rachel Johnson

If I had had more room, *the place was packed behind me* I would have gotten a shot from the side and shown you all more details. As it was though I couldn't really move around this piece well enough to get any really good side shots.The title, Odonata, comes from the Latin word for dragonfly.

Coelacanth, October 18th 1974 by Rachel Johnson

 I got a lot of angles on this piece, so brace yourselves. ;-)

Close up of the smaller "losing" fish.

 Close up of "attackers" head.

Another angle for details sake.

This piece is amazing. Every time I see it I find something new to marvel over. The Coelacanth was a fish that was believed to be extinct since the age of dinosaurs until one was caught off the coast of japan in 1974.

Nefandus by Rachel Johnson

Hmmm, he looks familiar doesn't he...

 Yes, he does, it's LOU! *Come on, you guys -knew- I would bring this back around to the birds some how.* Yes my genius sister made a sculpture of Lou with SILVERWARE! Let me tell you pictures don't do it justice. *They're also a pain in the butt to take because flashes and silverware don't play nice.*

Look at this detail people! I want this in my front yard so bad. Maybe I can talk her into doing a Sculpture of Trouble, my cockatoo for me. *hint hint* I can see her crest made out of butter knives already! XD

Oh and you guys have figured out what Nefandus means right? You don't really need me to tell you, do you? Come on, it's Lou, it shouldn't be that hard to guess. ;-)

Ok fine I'll tell you. Nefandus is Latin for devil. XD

Oh and I almost forgot....

"Don't take my Picture" by Suzanne Wargo subject Rachel Johnson XD
My sister, loving and hating the spotlight at the same time. ;-) Love ya Sis! XOXO    *Don't kill me...*